Latest Past Events

VanQ Monthly Event


Cycle time is one the most important metrics within software development. Shorter cycle times mean an optimized process and faster time to market. But to what extent is this dependent on the quality of the software that you are using? Join us on June 25th for our VanQ webinar where we have Robert Reppel, the […]

How to Succeed at Digital Transformation – Webinar

Digital Transformation has been a buzzword over the last few years, but few organizations are truly embracing the change. Leaders need to re-think how they want to use their technology, processes, and people in order to create value for their customers and drive business outcomes. Join us on June 18th for the first session of the Optimus Webinar Series. Optimus's Managing Partner, Pankaj […]

Observability-Driven-Development + Testing-in-Production


Do you ever wonder when to use an observability-driven approach for the development of your software system? What are the key factors to consider? While observability-driven development has been around for quite some time, how does it help in avoiding serious business and operational risks? We are excited to have Larry Ng, Development Director at […]