Latest Past Events

Testing in Live Environments

Lighthouse Labs 401 W Georgia St Suite #600, Vancouver

A couple of years ago, if someone would have mentioned that they test their code in production or live environment - Neha would have probably freaked out and would have […]

Middle of the Test Pyramid

ACL 980 Howe Street 14th floor, Vancouver

A lot of quality engineers are aware of the Test Pyramid. However, a lot of them only use API testing as the layer
above Unit Testing and below UI/End-to-End testing. Our speaker, Larry Ng the QA Director at will discuss how to fit component, contract, and integration testing in the middle.

Selenium Automation – Interviewing and Finding A Job

Lighthouse Labs 401 W Georgia St Suite #600, Vancouver

Come learn about Selenium Automation from seasoned professional, Alex Siminuc. Alex has over 20 years of experience in testing, and has worked with companies such as Best Buy, Trader Corp., YVR, BCAA, and currently works at Boeing Canada.

Alex will share his thoughts and tips on interviewing and finding a Selenium WebDriver automation job in the QA industry.